At the heart of jazz music is an unmistakable dialogue. Point. Counter-point. This is what we strive for with Fat Cat wines. To create a dialogue between winemaker and wine drinker, quality California grapes and winemaking craft, smooth varietal wines and delicious foods.

You: So Fat Cat wines are inspired by jazz music?

Fat Cat: Something like that. You see, our winemaker (John Allbaugh) was a natural born jazz fan. As a young boy, he loved it all. Satchmo, Duke, and Bird. Dizzy, Miles, and Ella. Brubeck, Hancock, and Marsalis. But sadly, Little Johnny was no musician. He tried the piano and couldn’t make it go. And when Johnny blew the sax, nothing good happened.

You: But Mr. Allbaugh made music with grapes?

Fat Cat: That’s right. It turns out that what John couldn’t say with a horn, he could swing with the vines. Think of Fat Cat Cellars as an enological expression of a bebop idea. A celebration of soulful vibrations, spontaneous scenes, and good eats. A dialogue between your taste buds and your ear drums.

You: There’s that Fat Cat dialogue thing I’ve heard about.

Fat Cat: Most definitely. Fat Cat is all about the dialogue. Wine, music. Music, food. Food, friends. Good friends, good times. It’s simple and complex at the same time. Like a great jazz riff. A ballad in a glass, you dig?